OpenAI — GPT-4 Will Disappoint Those with High Expectations

OpenAI — GPT-4 Will Disappoint Those with High Expectations

“People are begging to be disappointed, and they will be.” These were the words of Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI when he responded to a question about a parameter comparison between GPT-3 and GPT-4 during his latest interview with StrictlyVC.

While this interview has successfully cleared the air around the highly awaited version of Chat GPT, it has also created new questions about its abilities and expected release date.

With its previous language models, GPT-3, gaining record-breaking recognition, the announcement of the upcoming GPT-4 was sure to raise eyebrows in the tech community. However, as exciting as it may be, it's essential to take a realistic approach to the expectations surrounding GPT-4.

In this blog post, we'll take a deep dive into what we know about GPT-4 and why it may not live up to the hype.

What We Know About Chat GPT-4 as yet?

OpenAI has been tight-lipped about GPT-4, but we can make some educated guesses based on its previous models. GPT-2 was a significant leap forward in natural language processing, and GPT-3 was even more impressive. It boasted 175 billion parameters, allowing it to perform tasks like language translation, writing coherent essays, and even coding. However, despite its remarkable capabilities, GPT-3 still had its limitations.

The primary limitation of GPT-3 was that it was prone to producing factually incorrect or offensive output. This was due to the model's training data, which was gathered from the internet and contained biases and inaccuracies. GPT-3 also struggled with understanding context and producing a coherent output when given complex prompts.

Also, Chat GPT-3 is confined to time and can only entertain queries before 2021. So, considering all these factors, it is safe to predict that Chat GPT-4 would be more accurate and faster and leverage self-improving capabilities to keep up with the updated data out there.

What’s all this Hype about Chat GPT-4?

Given all the known limitations to Chat GPT-3, the hype surrounding GPT-4 was inevitable. One reason for this could be that OpenAI has promised to address the shortcomings of GPT-3. A recent blog post stated that GPT-4 would have "orders of magnitude more parameters than GPT-3" and "capable of truly understanding language in context."

Another reason for the hype could be the potential applications of GPT-4. With a language model that truly understands context and can produce accurate and coherent output, the possibilities are endless. GPT-4 could be used to improve chatbots and virtual assistants, automate content creation, and even develop new products and services.

However, it's essential to remind ourselves that these are just possibilities. It’s all clickbait game until we hear anything from OpenAI about what GPT-4 is capable of or until it's released and put to the test.

Why GPT-4 Will Disappoint Those with High Expectations:

Despite the potential of GPT-4 and the promise of OpenAI to create “bigger and better” AI models, it's time to sit back and reassess our expectations regarding this release. Looking at Sam Altman’s interview, it is clear that he might not be a big fan of the blue surprises. And that OpenAI won’t mind going slow on Chat GPT-4 until they achieve their goals.

Here are some reasons why GPT-4 may not live up to the hype:

  • The Training Data Problem: Let's face it, GPT-3 struggled with the training data it was fed. Despite the best efforts to clean the data and remove biases, GPT-3 still produced factually incorrect or offensive output. With GPT-4, OpenAI might attempt to address this problem by using a more extensive, cleaner, and diverse dataset, but it's still unclear how effective this will be in solving the training data problem.
  • The Complexity of Language: Language is more than just a string of words. It's a complex web of meaning, syntax, and context that can be challenging for even the most advanced AI to decipher. While GPT-4 may better understand context than its predecessor, it's unlikely to reach human-level comprehension anytime soon.
  • The Overhype of GPT-4's Ability: Don't believe everything you read about GPT-4's supposed ability to write an entire book with just a single prompt. While GPT-4 may be a significant step forward in natural language processing, it's still a machine-learning tool requiring human oversight and intervention.
  • The Nature of AI: Let's not forget that AI is still a developing technology. There are always going to be limitations and unexpected results. GPT-4 may be an improvement over GPT-3, but it's still just a tool that has its limits. So, let's keep our expectations realistic and appreciate what this technology can do for us.

What To Expect from Chat GPT 4

As the AI game gets more intense, the anticipation for this new technology is reaching an all-time high. But what can we expect from this new and improved system?

Well, one thing is for sure – OpenAI has vast resources at its disposal, thanks to the massive investments made by Microsoft. With three billion dollars already invested and talks of an additional $10 billion, the company has the funds necessary to drive its research and development efforts to new heights.

According to the New York Times, GPT-4 is set to be released in the first quarter of 2023. And this new chatbot will have impressive new features, including potential multimodal capabilities. This means the system could generate both text and images, taking chatbot technology to a new level.

So, what can we expect from Chat GPT-4? Based on the unique resources and capabilities of OpenAI and Microsoft, we can safely assume this technology will be groundbreaking.


While GPT-4 is likely to be a significant advancement in AI, it is important to temper expectations. While it may be capable of generating impressive text and completing complex tasks, its lack of proper understanding and consciousness still needs to be improved. Additionally, it will have limitations and biases that must be considered. AI is a powerful tool, but it is not a panacea, and we must use it responsibly and in conjunction with other solutions to address our most pressing problems.

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