How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Remote Mobile App Developer?

How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Remote Mobile App Developer?

By 2023, mobile apps are expected to generate more than $935 billion in revenues through paid downloads and in-app advertising, while the global enterprise mobility market is expected to rise to a value of over $510 billion by 2022. Although numerous businesses are attempting to capitalize on this lucrative trend, many are unaware of how to effectively develop an app. These growth forecasts can only move from ideas to reality in a competitive marketplace if they are backed up by a carefully managed mobile app development process, and of course, an aptly skilled mobile app developer (or more than one if the app is complex).

You probably know that it could take anywhere from 600 to over 800 hours to create a mobile app, depending on certain factors as listed below:

  • Type of platform: Android, iOS, Windows (or all three)
  • Intricacy of the app and time required
  • Required number of pages
  • Framework
  • Additional components
  • Visuals and feel: basis or custom

Vital skills to look for in a mobile app developer

Below are some of the core areas your developer needs to be an expert in:

  • Expertise in programming languages such as C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, Swift (for iOS), and Kotlin (for Android)
  • Has previously developed mobile apps with a good balance of efficiency, creativity, and innovation; this will give an indication of their skills
  • Graphic design, 2D and 3D modeling expertise
  • User interface (UI), user experience (UX), visual arts, and animation expertise
  • Practice with APIs and the ability to publish apps on the relevant store
  • Knowledge of KISS and SOLID standards in software architecture
  • Significant testing and debugging abilities

Make sure that there is no misalignment of project specifications with developer capabilities. Since mobile app creation is an exceptionally technical operation, this can only lead to difficulties.

It must be clear by now that developing a specialized mobile app solution for your company can be an expensive endeavor. The high costs of hiring an app developer can be burdensome, especially if you are a small company or a start-up.

But what if I told you that there is a way to help reduce the cost of your project while also gaining additional benefits such as increased efficiency, a stronger focus on business, and access to a wide range of skills? You might be wondering what this miracle cure is. It is actually quite simple: hire remote app developers. Your next question may now be: Why would it make sense? The points below should give you a better understanding of why hiring a remote developer may be a good idea:

Basic Costs of utilizing an In-House Developer

Hiring cost of in-house developer

Usually, the biggest cost factor in the equation is the salary of an app developer. According to The App Association, the average salary of an in-house developer is over $104,000 per annum (that is $8,666 per month).

Office rent and related costs

When hiring in-house developers, keep in mind the costs of renting office space as well as utilities such as cooling, heating, electricity, and gas. Furthermore, you must provide your employees with a computer and a continual internet connection, which will increase your costs even further.

Specialized Equipment

To utilize an in-house developer, you will need specialized computer hardware as well as development software, not low-cost in the least. In addition, when a piece of equipment at your job site breaks, is damaged, or malfunctions, it must be replaced or fixed as soon as possible so that the project can resume. Since these events are always unpredictable, it becomes necessary to set aside a portion of the budget for them.

Recruitment process costs and time

Your mobile app project may require a wide range of skills and expertise that your in-house development resources may not have. Hiring full-time resources for that particular project may not be cost-effective or even prudent in this case. Hiring full-time employees is also a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that includes multiple steps such as soliciting applications, CV reviews, and personnel interviews.

Now we shall look at a few reasons that show how an organization could save on costs through remote hiring.

Hiring Cost of Remote Mobile App Developer

Recall the salary of an in-house developer. Now compare that to the cost of a dedicated remote mobile app developer hired through Aspired, and it can be as low as a mere $3,000 per month.

More Productivity

Airtasker surveyed 1,004 full-time employees in the United States, 505 of whom worked remotely, about their work routine and efficiency. The findings show that remote employees are more effective than their counterparts physically stationed at the workplace.

Evolving scope

A company is frequently unable to adequately define the scope of a project. The constantly changing scope of the project can significantly increase the time and cost involved in the mobile app development process. Hiring dedicated remote developers at fixed lower costs can effectively eliminate cost variances. All you have to do is pay the dedicated remote developers a set amount of money for the number of hours they work. Furthermore, remote developers increase project flexibility by allowing you to easily change project requirements.

More Productivity

Airtasker surveyed 1,004 full-time employees in the United States, 505 of whom worked remotely, about their work routine and efficiency. The findings show that remote employees are more effective than their counterparts physically stationed at the workplace.

Evolving scope

A company is frequently unable to adequately define the scope of a project. The constantly changing scope of the project can significantly increase the time and cost involved in the mobile app development process. Hiring dedicated remote developers at fixed lower costs can effectively eliminate cost variances. All you have to do is pay the dedicated remote developers a set amount of money for the number of hours they work. Furthermore, remote developers increase project flexibility by allowing you to easily change project requirements.

Remote work is now common

Because of the associated benefits, a slew of businesses is jumping on the remote work bandwagon. As of 2019, the global IT outsourcing market was valued at USD 333.7 billion, with an anticipated increase to USD 397.6 billion by 2025.

Pay only for services that have been outsourced

When you hire an in-house development team, you must pay for each employee on your team. However, in the case of remote developers, you only have to pay for the services that you have outsourced.

Schedule Flexibility

Working remotely allows employees to control their day and work on their own schedule while balancing their professional and social lives.

Expansion Virtually

Companies do not need to spend a lot of money on infrastructure development. With this cost-effective solution, they can instead virtually expand their team and spend their budget on other important things.

There is no need for training

Training your in-house developers in the latest technologies and tools can have a significant financial impact. There is no requirement for any type of training program for a remote employee. Projects are assigned to people who are already professionals in the field.

Increased Access

Companies do not have to rely solely on local resources. They can expand their access to thousands of options to meet their requirements by leveraging the power of remote offshore hiring.

When you add up all of these savings, you are looking at a significant reduction in the cost of your project! You can see why people prefer to hire remote mobile app developers over an in-house development team; the former is clearly the more cost-effective option.

The inexpensive way forward

The hiring cost of a remote mobile app developer would be a fraction of the expenditure required for an in-house employee; by streamlining the hiring process of a remote mobile app developer , companies like Aspired can help you manage your project on the lower end of the cost spectrum without compromising on quality. Such a partnership would assist in making your mobile app creation process smooth and error-free.

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